The Omni CleanAir Professional Series offers continuous air purification for high-risk indoor areas, to significantly reduce airborne particles and disable pathogens. With over 30 years of experience delivering air purification in the most demanding environments, our system combines proven technologies to make air safer to breathe.
Quiet, powerful motors and high efficiency fan systems consistently delivers 12 air changes per hour MERV-11 (or MERV-13) PreFilter removes larger airborne particles such as pollen, dust, tobacco smoke etc.) This also extends the life of high efficiency filter.True HEPA (or optional ULPA) captures sub-micron particles at 99.99% (ULPA 99.999%) Portable. Used to supplement engineering controls that cannot feasibly be upgraded due to technology or cost barriers. Negative pressure capable as standard for more stringent isolation applications. 20" X 18" X 48"57-66 dB Noise Rating Stage 1 - Air Intake and First Filtration The purification process begins with pre-filtration. The powerful 360 degree air intake ensures the processing of all the untreated air in the surrounding environment. The MERV 11 profiler catches larger particles, such as pollen, dirt, hair, smoke, odors, pet dander, and more, By removing these larger contaminants, the life of hte soficsticated True HEPA fitler is extended.
Stage 2 - True HEPA Filtration The air now passes through an IEST Certified, Tre HEPA filter rated at 99.99% removal efficiency at .3 microns. This removes bacteria, aerosolized or exhalation particles (virus carriers), mold spores, radon, smoke, silica, and other harmful ultra fine particles from the air.

Stage 3 - Clean Air Delivery & Ventilation Finally, purified air passes vertically out fo the machine. The room's entire volume of air passes through the system once every 5 minutes. Sieth the integrated exhaust manifold, the machine can be set up for negative pressure in more stringent containment areas.
The OmniCleanAir OCA1200 is ideal for use in:
- Doctor's Offices
- Dental Clinics
- Business Settings
- Day Care
- Schools
- Health & Wellness
- Assisted Living
- Hospitality
- Non-Profit
- Shleters